Town Election 2025 – Running List of Candidates

Last updated 02/14/25 at 5:25 PM
Select Board is now a contested race with 3 candidates running for 2 seats. No candidates yet for Cemetery Commissioners or Constable.
Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin? To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by March 31, 2025 at 5PM. Nomination signature papers are available from the Town Clerk’s office (18 Main St) starting January 21, 2025. Please email or call the Town Clerk’s office with questions at 508-497-9710. Click on the name of any elected office listed below to read more about it.
Office on the May 19, 2025 Ballot:
- Select Board (3 years, vote for 2) Contested Race
- Shahidul H Mannan, Candidate for Re-Election
- Matthew T Kizner
- Jeffrey Doyle
- Board of Assessors (3 years, vote for 1)
- Peter M Mimmo, Candidate for Re-Election
- Board of Health (3 years, vote for 1)
- Raymond M Smith
- Board of Library Trustees (3 years, vote for 2)
- Stanley D Pulnik, Candidate for Re-Election
- Susan E Porter, Candidate for Re-Election
- Cemetery Commissioners (3 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Commissioners of Trust Funds (3 years, vote for 1)
- Susan Kurys, Candidate for Re-Election
- Constable (3 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Housing Authority (5 year, vote for 1)
- Beth A Malloy, Candidate for Re-Election
- Parks & Recreation Commissioners (3 years, vote for 1)
- Kyle C Smith, Candidate for Re-Election
- Planning Board (5 years, vote for 2)
- Peter M Mimmo
- Amna Diwan
- School Committee (3 years, vote for 1)
- Nancy Richards-Cavanaugh, Candidate for Re-Election
- School Committee (1 year, vote for 1)
- Kyla B McSweeney, Incumbent
- Town Clerk (3 years, vote for 1)
- Connor B Degan, Candidate for Re-Election
- Town Moderator (3 years, vote for 1)
- Zachary A Kosan
The steps for getting your name on the ballot are as follows:
- Pick up your nomination papers in person at the Town Clerk’s office (18 Main St, Hours: Mon Wed Thurs (8AM – 4:30PM), Tues (8AM-7PM), Fri (8AM-2PM).
- Collect physical signatures of at least fifty (50) registered voters in the Town of Hopkinton.
- Return signatures for certification to the Town Clerk on or before March 31, 2025 at 5PM.
Key Dates & Deadlines:
- January 21, 2025 – Nomination papers available from the Town Clerk’s office. Please email or call the Town Clerk’s office with questions at 508-497-9710.
- March 31, 2025 at 5PM – Last day to file nomination papers for town election.
- April 14, 2025 – Deadline for final written notice of any ballot questions to be submitted to the Town Clerk.
- April 25, 2025 – Last day to register to vote for the Annual Town Election. Register to vote online at:
- April 25, 2025 – Combined Town Election and Town Meeting Warrant posted.
- May 19, 2025 – Town Election Day (7:00 AM – 8:00 PM) at Hopkinton Middle School
As we head into election season, eHop would like to remind our readers of our candidate endorsement policy:
The primary mission of eHop is community education on funding and policy issues pertaining to the Town of Hopkinton, Massachusetts including the Hopkinton Public Schools. Hence, eHop will strive to provide voters with accurate and detailed information on candidates running for state and local office, with a focus on each candidate’s position on both town and school-related issues.
It is eHop policy not to endorse candidates for public office. eHop board members are at liberty, however, to endorse candidates independently.
When eHop collects information from candidates for voter education purposes, eHop may add editorial comments to clarify candidate claims or statements that eHop deems to be deceptive or misleading, or that require further explanation.
On our Blog/Website:
Any eHop Board Member running for elected office in a contested race will not write or edit any website posts regarding the office for which they are running, including but not limited to our annual Candidate Q&A.
On Facebook:
In addition, due to eHop policy not to endorse candidates for public office, any endorsements for specific candidates will be deleted from our Facebook page.
Candidates are welcome to email a candidate statement, photo and a link to their campaign website or social media, which we will be happy to post to our website along with info about all the other candidates. Please send to