Weekly News Update – 02/20/24

Candidates Needed for the 2024 Town Election • How to Vote in the 3/5/24 Presidential Primary & Party Committee Election • Select Board Updates • School Committee / Elmwood Updates • Planning Board Updates • Land Use Survey • Health Department Survey
Candidates Needed for the 2024 Town Election
Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin? To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by April 1, 2024 at 5PM or a person may qualify by being the top vote-getter in one of the town political party caucuses. Nomination signature papers are available from the Town Clerk’s office (18 Main St). Please email or call the Town Clerk’s office with questions at townclerk@hopkintonma.gov 508-497-9710. Click on the name of any elected office listed below to read more about it.
- Select Board (3 years, vote for 2)
- Peter Mimmo
- Kyla McSweeney
- Board of Assessors (3 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Board of Health (3 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Board of Library Trustees (3 years, vote for 1)
- Anne Beauchamp, Incumbent
- Cemetery Commissioners (3 years, vote for 1)
- Linda Kimball, Incumbent
- Cemetery Commissioners (2 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Commissioners of Trust Funds (3 years, vote for 1)
- Amanda Murphy
- Constable (3 years, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- Housing Authority (5 year unexpired term, vote for 1)
- Ilana Casady, Incumbent
- Housing Authority (1 year unexpired term, vote for 1)
- Beth Malloy, Incumbent
- Parks & Recreation Commissioners (3 years, vote for 2)
- Amy O’Donnell, Incumbent
- Daniel Terry, Incumbent
- Parks & Recreation Commissioners (1 year, vote for 1)
- Kyle Smith
- Planning Board (5 years, vote for 1)
- Parker Happ, Incumbent
- Planning Board (1 year unexpired term, vote for 1)
- Candidate Needed
- School Committee (3 years, vote for 2)
- Jamie Wronka
- Christopher Masters
Read “Town Election 2024 Running List of Candidates” on eHop
Read “State Rep. Arena-DeRosa explains why party caucus process remains in effect for town’s upcoming election” 02/24/24
Presidential Primary and Party Committee Elections
The Massachusetts Presidential Primary will be held on Tuesday, March 5, also known as “Super Tuesday.” All Hopkinton precincts vote at the Hopkinton Middle School Brown Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St, Hopkinton MA 01748. Polls are open 7:00am-8:00pm.
No excuse early voting ballots known as “Vote by Mail” ballots and can be requested at the Town Clerk’s office or you can apply online by using a Vote by Mail Application.
Early In-Person Voting will be held at Hopkinton Town Hall, 18 Main St, Hopkinton MA 01748, on the following dates:
- Saturday, February 24 • 10am-4pm
- Monday, February 26 • 8am-4:30pm
- Tuesday, February 27 • 8am-7pm
- Wednesday, February 28 • 8am-4:30pm
- Thursday, February 29 • 8am-4:30pm
- Friday, March 1 • 8am-2pm
Read “Presidential Primary & Party Committee Elections 3/5/24” on eHop
Select Board Updates
Read “Select Board unanimously selects Daugherty as town’s fire chief” 01/02/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Select Board Roundup: Greenhouse gas report presented; proposed change to town voting policy questioned” 01/09/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Fate of Sgt. Brennan, implicated in Porter case, to be determined at rescheduled meeting Friday” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Emotions high, Brennan hearing continued so sides can negotiate agreement” by Jerry Spar in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Boisterous Brennan hearing crowd demands accountability from Select Board, police” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Document released by town compromises anonymity of alleged sexual assault survivor; Kramer offers apology” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “HPD recalls document from misconduct investigation of Sgt. Brennan” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Residents rally in support of Sgt. Brennan, rebuke town officials at Select Board meeting” 01/30/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Select Board gets balanced budget for FY 25, reviews Town Meeting articles” 01/30/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Brennan supporters demand reinstatement, accuse police chief, Select Board members of misconduct” 02/06/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Select Board approves police promotions, reviews budget requests” 02/06/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Town responds to questions over new Finance Department hire who was fired from previous job” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Select Board votes to dismiss Brennan from HPD” 02/08/24 by Jerry Spar in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Northwestern DA’s Office to review circumstances regarding HPD’s release of unredacted transcript of Brennan interview” by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Select Board hears request for graduating senior car parade, town department budget proposals” 02/13/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
School Committee / Elmwood Updates
Read “Selection Committee for Hopkins project construction manager outlines strategy” 01/03/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Draft of education plan for reconfigured Hopkins School unveiled” 01/04/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “At joint meeting, boards examine school budget” 01/11/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Impact of plumbing code changes, MEPA designation among ESBC topics” by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Possible Grade 6 ‘leveling’ prompts School Committee discussion” 01/18/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Process underway to name new elementary school; community input sought” in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “School Committee revisits SEPAC relationship, Hopkins addition plans” 02/01/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Drilling of test well at new school site hits snag” by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Public hearing on Hopkins project raises questions, concerns” by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “School Committee awards Hopkins contract to Commodore Builders” 02/15/24 by Susan Goncalves in the Hopkinton Independent
Planning Board Updates
Read “Planning Board discusses draft plan for MBTA Communities Act compliance” 01/08/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Planning Board reviews Whisper Way plan amendments” 01/22/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Planning Board continues discussing MBTA Communities Act compliance proposal” 01/22/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Read “Planning Board revisits Elmwood Farms III subdivision in light of proposed new construction on remaining lots” 02/05/24 by Mary Ellen Gambon in the Hopkinton Independent
Land Use Survey
The Hopkinton Department of Land Use, Planning, and Permitting (DLUPP) is asking community members to provide feedback by filling out the following survey via Google Forms, linked below:
This survey is part of an ongoing effort to evaluate and improve DLUPP services for the Hopkinton community. The survey has four sections pertaining to different aspects of the Department: Building Permit Services, Planning and Zoning, Conservation/Wetlands, and Department-wide Services. Comprehensive responses will help us better understand your perspective for each of these topics, so please provide as much detail as possible. This survey will close at noon on Friday, February 16, 2024.
Health Department Survey
Town Manager Norman Khumalo and Health Director Shaun McAuliffe encourage Hopkinton residents over the age of 18 to complete a survey that will help the Hopkinton Health Services Department improve health-related programs and resources for residents.