eHop Updates

Ask eHop: Why does Hopkinton have partisan town elections?

Ask eHop: Why does Hopkinton have partisan town elections?

eHop contacted the Town Clerk last year who told us that caucuses in our area date back to the 1700’s. She also told us that most towns in Massachusetts have non-partisan local elections and that there are fewer than 20 localities who continue to have 

5th Annual “Know Your Vote” 4/24 at 6:30 PM at the High School

5th Annual “Know Your Vote” 4/24 at 6:30 PM at the High School

In preparation for Annual Town Meeting, eHop (educate • engage • empower | Hopkinton) in conjunction with the Town of Hopkinton, will hold its 5th Annual “Know Your Vote” forum on Monday, April 24 at 6:30-8:30 pm in the Hopkinton High School library. The forum 

Town Election Update – More Candidates Still Needed

Town Election Update – More Candidates Still Needed

Considering running for local office, but don’t know where to begin? To become a candidate a person must either obtain and submit nomination papers by securing the signatures of 50 Hopkinton registered voters by Monday, March 27; or a person may qualify by being the 

Hayden Rowe Corridor – 2nd Workshop

Hayden Rowe Corridor – 2nd Workshop

The Town of Hopkinton will conduct a second public workshop on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at the Hopkinton Middle School auditorium, 88 Hayden Rowe, at 7:00 pm, to discuss the traffic calming measures currently being evaluated in the Hayden Rowe corridor between Grove Street and the Milford town 

Water Ban Ends, Drought Continues

Water Ban Ends, Drought Continues

The Hopkinton Director of Public Works ended the Mandatory State of Water Supply Conservation (water ban) on January 19, 2017, for all customers connected to the municipal water system. He said that this action was the result of the recent change in drought status to our 

Commissioner of Trust Funds – Did You Know?

Commissioner of Trust Funds – Did You Know?

The Commissioners of Trust Funds is a three-member three-year elected board that acts in accordance with the Massachusetts General Laws. This group of elected members submits a written statement of the amount of payment and the date this payment was made to the town anytime 

Parks and Recreation Commission – Did you Know?

Parks and Recreation Commission – Did you Know?

The Parks & Recreation Commission is an elected group of five individuals. The Commission directs and oversees policies and operations regarding parks and open spaces under their custody as well as recreation programs in town. They also oversee the Parks and Recreation office, consisting of three 

Board of Library Trustees – Did you Know?

Board of Library Trustees – Did you Know?

The Hopkinton Public Library’s Board of Trustees is a five-member elected board responsible for overseeing the library for the benefit of the community.  Working closely with the library director, members are responsible for establishing library policies and plans, determining the final budget and conducting public 

Board of Assessors – Did you know?

Board of Assessors – Did you know?

The Assessing Department is responsible for accurately determining the value of all real and personal property located within the Town of Hopkinton for the purpose of taxation. Assessors are obliged to assess all property at its full and fair market value as of January 1 

Hopkinton Housing Authority – Did you know?

Hopkinton Housing Authority – Did you know?

The Hopkinton Housing Authority shall conduct studies of the housing needs of the community and shall provide programs to make available housing for families of low income and for elderly persons of low income. The Hopkinton Housing Authority shall have such other powers and duties 

Hayden Rowe Corridor Study Workshop: Town Calls on Residents for Input

Hayden Rowe Corridor Study Workshop: Town Calls on Residents for Input

On Wednesday, February 15, the Town hosted a public workshop at Hopkinton High School to share preliminary information about the Hayden Rowe Corridor Study and gather input from residents.  In November 2016 the School Committee and the Department of Public Works allocated $20,000 each to 

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