Town Election Update After the Caucuses

Board of Selectmen, Planning Board (2-year), Parks & Recreation, Town Moderator and Commissioners of Trust Funds are all contested races. Click on the name of any elected office listed below to read more about it. 2019 Open Positions for Local Office – Please contact the Town Clerk’s office with any questions.
Sample Ballot 2019 Hopkinton Town Election
Board of Assessors, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- Gunajit Medhi, Unenrolled
Board of Health, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- Richard Jacobs, Unenrolled
Board of Library Trustees, 3 Years, Vote for 2
- Susan E Porter, Democrat (incumbent)
- Janice LP Barry, Democrat
Board of Selectmen, 3 Years, Vote for 2 – Contested Race
- Mary Jo LaFreniere, Democrat
- Claire Wright, Republican (incumbent)
- Brendan Tedstone, Unenrolled (incumbent)
- Shahidul Mannan, Democrat
Cemetery Commissioners, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- John Palmer, Unenrolled (incumbent)
Commissioners of Trust Funds, 3 Years, Vote for 1 – Contested Race
- Sue Kurys, Democrat
- Gerald E Tuite, Republican
Constable, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- Michael Hayes, Democrat (incumbent)
Housing Authority, 5 Years, Vote for 1
- Warren Johnson, Unenrolled (incumbent)
Parks & Recreation Commission, 3 Years, Vote for 1 – Contested Race
- Cynthia S Esthimer, Democrat
- Peter M Edwards, Unenrolled
- Robert Evan Davis, Republican
Planning Board, 5 Years, Vote for 1
- Gary B Trendel, Unenrolled (incumbent)
Planning Board, 2 Years, Vote for 1 – Contested Race
- Michael McNamara, Unenrolled
- Robert C Benson, Unenrolled
Planning Board, 1 Year, Vote for 1
- Patrick Atwell, Democrat
School Committee, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- Nancy M Richards-Cavanaugh, Unenrolled (incumbent)
Town Clerk, 3 Years, Vote for 1
- Connor B Degan, Unenrolled (incumbent)
Town Moderator, 3 Years, Vote for 1 – Contested Race
- Thomas Garabedian, Republican (incumbent)
- Ellen Rutter, Democrat
In addition to candidates there will be 4 ballot questions
- QUESTION 1: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be required to reduce the amount of real estate and personal property taxes to be assessed for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and nineteen by an amount equal to $1,180,568 (ONE MILLION, ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT DOLLARS)?
- QUESTION 2: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase a Ladder Truck for the Fire Department?
- QUESTION 3: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase an interest in land contiguous with the Town Hall property for the purpose of providing Town Hall parking?
- QUESTION 4: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase an interest in one or more parcels of land for the purpose of providing municipal parking in the downtown area?
As we head into election season, eHop would like to remind our readers of our candidate endorsement policy. Candidates are welcome to email a headshot and candidate statement or a link to their campaign website/social media, which we will be happy to post to our website along with info about all the other candidates. Please send to
The content of this post was last updated on 4/14/19.