Town Election Results 2021

Only 811 voters cast ballots on May 22, which is a turnout of about 6.4%. This is the lowest turnout since eHop has been keeping track, last year by contrast turnout was 20%. Winners in the only contested race were Amanda Fargiano and Meg Tyler for School Committee. All four ballot questions passed by a wide margin. [Official results should be available later this week]
School Committee – Vote for 2:
- Amanda Fargiano, Unenrolled, Incumbent – 584
- Margaret Tyler, Democrat, Incumbent – 516
- Jared Pray, Unenrolled – 325
Ballot Questions:
Question 1 – Marathon School Addition:
- Yes 529
- No 243
- Blank 39
Question 2 – Hopkinton Middle School HVAC Renewal & Upgrade:
- Yes 610
- No 160
- Blank 41
Question 3 – Hopkins School and Middle School Roof Replacement:
- Yes 613
- No 159
- Blank 39
Question 4 – Police Station Roof Replacement:
- Yes 589
- No 181
- Blank 41
- Select Board (3 years, vote for 2)
- Irfan Nasrullah, Democrat, Incumbent
- Muriel Kramer, Democrat
- Board of Assessors (3 years, vote for 1)
- Lesley A. Ficarri, Democrat, Incumbent
- Board of Health (3 years, vote for 1)
- Regina Miloslavsky, Democrat
- Library Trustee (3 years, vote for 1)
- Stanley Pulnik, Democrat, Incumbent
- Cemetery Commissioners (3 years, vote for 1)
- Thomas Pratt, Democrat, Incumbent
- Cemetery Commissioners (1 year, vote for 1)
- Kyla McSweeney, Democrat
- Commissioners of Trust Funds (3 years, vote for 1)
- Melissa Hayes, Democrat
- Constable (3 years, vote for 1)
- Francis D’Urso, Democrat, Incumbent
- Parks & Recreation Commissioners (3 years, vote for 2)
- Daniel Terry, Unenrolled, Incumbent
- Amy O’Donnell, Democrat
- Housing Authority (5 years, vote for 1)
- John Morris, Democrat
- Planning Board (5 years, vote for 2)
- David Paul, Unenrolled, Incumbent
- Robert Benson Jr., Democrat, Incumbent
- Planning Board (1 year unexpired term, vote for 1)
- Francis DeYoung, Unenrolled, Incumbent
Watch the Town Clerk read the unofficial results live on air after the polls closed