Select Board Actions Taken 01/25/22

Select Board Actions Taken 01/25/22

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A,  21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position 

Select Board Actions Taken 01/18/22

Select Board Actions Taken 01/18/22

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:01 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM 2022 BOSTON MARATHON INVITATIONAL ENTRY RANDOM DISTRIBUTION 3. The Select Board 

Select Board Actions Taken 01/11/22

Select Board Actions Taken 01/11/22

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 6) to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, land at 0 Frankland Rd. (Assessors Map U7 Block 7 Lot 0), because 

Select Board Actions Taken 12/14/21

Select Board Actions Taken 12/14/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:01 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM CONSENT AGENDA 3. The Select Board will consider the following consent 

Select Board Actions Taken 12/07/21

Select Board Actions Taken 12/07/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions because an open meeting may have a detrimental 

Select Board Actions Taken 11/16/21

Select Board Actions Taken 11/16/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:01 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM CONSENT AGENDA 3. The Select Board will consider the following consent 

Select Board Actions Taken 11/09/21

Select Board Actions Taken 11/09/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions, because an open meeting may have a detrimental 

Select Board Actions Taken 10/19/21

Select Board Actions Taken 10/19/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:01 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM CONSENT AGENDA 3. The Select Board will consider the following consent 

Select Board Actions Taken 10/05/21

Select Board Actions Taken 10/05/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 5:30 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5:31 PM PUBLIC FORUM 2. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 5:40 PM CONSENT AGENDA 3. The Select Board will consider the following consent 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/28/21

Select Board Actions Taken 09/28/21

6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:05 PM CONSENT AGENDA 2. The Select Board will consider the following consent agenda: a. MINUTES – The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes of the September 13, 2021 meeting. The Select Board approved the 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/21/21

Select Board Actions Taken 09/21/21

6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions, and negotiations with non-union staff, because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/07/21

Select Board Actions Taken 09/07/21

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (purpose 3) to consider strategy with respect to collective bargaining relative to DPW, Police, Fire and Library Unions, and negotiations with non-union staff, Fire Chief, because