Town Election Results 2024

Town Election Results 2024

2,919 voters cast ballots on May 20, which is a turnout of about 22%. This was a increase from last year’s turnout of 11%, and higher than any turnout in the last 15 years. Winners in the contested races were Joe Clark and Brian Herr 

Learn More About the Eight Ballot Questions for 2024

Learn More About the Eight Ballot Questions for 2024

Ballot Questions: Question 1 Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay for the digitization of all Town paper records, including any 

Weekly News Update – 03/18/24

Weekly News Update – 03/18/24

Updated Candidates List for the 2024 Town Election • Hopkins workshop topics include security, finances • Open Space Preservation Commission gives input on potential town building uses • Parks & Rec Commission discusses ‘sneaky parkers’ at EMC Park parking lot, Sandy Beach signage • Hopkinton 

Town Election Results 2023

Town Election Results 2023

1,473 voters cast ballots on May 15, which is a turnout of about 11%. This was a decrease from last year’s turnout of 17%, but higher than the 6% turnout in 2021. Winners in the contested races were Adam Munroe and Susan Stephenson for School 

Learn About the Six Ballot Questions for 2023

Learn About the Six Ballot Questions for 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023 – Polls are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PMHopkinton Middle School Brown Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St Hopkinton Annual Town Election Specimen Ballot – May 15, 2023 (PDF)

Weekly News Update – 04/30/23 – Town Meeting Edition

Weekly News Update – 04/30/23 – Town Meeting Edition

Annual Town Meeting 2023 Begins Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM at Hopkinton Middle School. By tradition the meeting ends at 11:00 PM and continues on consecutive evenings from 7:00-11:00 PM until all articles are voted. Annual Town Meeting typically lasts 2-3 nights. Key 

Town Election Results 2021

Town Election Results 2021

Only 811 voters cast ballots on May 22, which is a turnout of about 6.4%. This is the lowest turnout since eHop has been keeping track, last year by contrast turnout was 20%. Winners in the only contested race were Amanda Fargiano and Meg Tyler 

Learn about the four Ballot Questions for 2021

Learn about the four Ballot Questions for 2021

There are four ballot questions this year to fund capital projects. Vote Saturday, May 22, 2021, polls are open 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM at Hopkinton Middle School Brown Gym. View a Sample Ballot. QUESTION 1: Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition 

Town Election 2021 Candidates & Ballot Questions

Town Election 2021 Candidates & Ballot Questions

This year there is one contested race, School Committee, and four ballot questions. eHop will publish more information as it becomes available. All candidates are encouraged to email eHop a candidate statement and headshot, which we will publish closer to the election date, please send 

Planning Board Actions Taken 5/11/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 5/11/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items Form K Lot Release – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenant – Legacy Farms North – Applicant not in attendance, continued to 5-18-20 Approval Not Required Plan – Hayden Rowe 175 – Duffy – Applicant not in 

Weekly Roundup – Town Meeting Edition – 12/15/19

Weekly Roundup – Town Meeting Edition – 12/15/19

Video: Hopkinton Special Town Meeting Recap • Community Notice: Board of Health Appoints Public Health Nurse • Hopkinton Town Meeting shoots down measure to stop Main Street corridor project • Looking to get involved in Hopkinton? Town Notice of Board and Committee Vacancies • Special 

Special Town Meeting Results 2019-12-09 (unofficial)

Special Town Meeting Results 2019-12-09 (unofficial)

Article 1: Rescind Main Street Corridor Vote and Discontinue Project – Citizens Petition To see if the Town will vote to (1) rescind the vote taken under Article 47 of the Town of Hopkinton 2018 Annual Town Meeting; and (2) vote to request the Select