School Budget Update

School Budget Update

A huge “Thank You” to everyone who came to the School Committee Public Hearing and/or wrote to the School Committee with your thoughts on the 2012-13 budget. Your voices truly do make a difference! A few days after the public hearing the School Committee sent 

Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

Preliminary 2012-13 School Budget

Superintendent Landman presented his preliminary 2012-13 (FY13) school budget at the December 20 School Committee meeting. Some highlights are included below. Please note that nothing is final at this point, this is just the beginning of a process. The School Committee will provide feedback to 

Save the Dates – January School Budget Discussions & Public Hearing

Save the Dates – January School Budget Discussions & Public Hearing

School Committee MeetingThursday, January 5, 2012 @ 7:00 PMMiddle School Library, 88 Hayden Rowe StRegular Meeting/Working Session – FY13 Budget Topics:Center School, Elmwood School, Hopkins School, Draft Town Meeting Articles, Daycare Drop-Off Fee, Bus Fee, Full-Day Kindergarten Fee School Committee MeetingThursday, January 12, 2012 @ 

REMINDER: School Planning Meetings Today and Saturday – Please Attend One

REMINDER: School Planning Meetings Today and Saturday – Please Attend One

Hopkinton Elementary School Planning Join the School Committee for an Essential Community Conversation  The School Committee will be a hosting a conversation with the community regarding planning for our elementary schools. To maximize attendance and participation, three dates will be offered and the format and topics 

Three Elementary School Planning Community Conversations This Week – Please Attend One

Three Elementary School Planning Community Conversations This Week – Please Attend One

Hopkinton Elementary School Planning Join the School Committee for an Essential Community Conversation  The School Committee will be a hosting a conversation with the community regarding planning for our elementary schools. To maximize attendance and participation, three dates will be offered and the format and topics 

Updates on Center School Maintenance and Repairs in the Meantime

Updates on Center School Maintenance and Repairs in the Meantime

HVAC System Over the summer the steam traps in the oldest cast iron radiators at Center School were cleaned at a cost of $8,000 to make them more efficient and not overheat. According to Al Rogers, Hopkinton Public Schools Director of Buildings & Grounds “The last