Archives: Timeline Stories

Planning Board approves amendments to the proposed Wilson Street Solar Array

Planning Board approves amendments to the proposed Wilson Street Solar Array

The Planning Board at their March 29, 2021 meeting voted 6-1 in favor of three respective amendments to the solar special permit and stormwater management permit for the proposed 2.4-megawatt solar array off Wilson Street. Read the News Article  Watch the Video

Planning Board Public Hearing (continued)

Planning Board Public Hearing (continued)

A Planning Board public hearing was held on March 15th, 2021: Read the 03-15-21 Agenda Watch the 03-15-21 Meeting on YouTube News Article: “Planning Board removes tree protection articles from Town Meeting“ Email Comments to:

Wilson Street solar company starting tree clearing

Wilson Street solar company starting tree clearing

The Conservation Commission at its meeting on Tuesday, March 9 voiced support for Grasshopper Energy to start clearing a limited number of trees as part of its plan to construct a 2.4 megawatt solar array off Wilson Street, but held off on approving larger pieces 

Planning Board Public Hearing

Planning Board Public Hearing

A Planning Board public hearing was held on March 1st, 2021: Read the Public Hearing Notice Read the 03-01-21 Agenda Watch the Meeting on YouTube News Article: “Planning Board narrowly votes to recommend solar map for Town Meeting approval“ Map of the proposed Solar Overlay 

Town Meeting

Town Meeting

Voters will decide at Town Meeting on Saturday, May 8 at 9:00 AM at the High School (outside) Zoning Bylaw Changes – Require a 2/3rd Vote Planning Board Town Meeting Files Google Folder Map of the proposed Solar Overlay District Map Town Meeting Warrant & Detailed 

Zoning Committee continues refining tree-cutting ByLaw after Town warrant is in place

Zoning Committee continues refining tree-cutting ByLaw after Town warrant is in place

After the Planning board initially reviewed the proposal, members said they were surprised that a new overlay district map wasn’t part of the proposal, and they pushed for the board to reconsider it. The Planning Board voted to hold spots for two commercial zoning articles 

Zoning Committee settles on the final approach to the by-law

Zoning Committee settles on the final approach to the by-law

ZAC’s goal was to protect neighborhoods as well as the forests and rural habitat. The tree protection bylaw could be a zoning or general bylaw. Based on these primary goals and upon the advice from the town counsel, the committee started to look into a 

Why did the committee shift focus away from overlay district to screening and tree-cutting bylaws?

Why did the committee shift focus away from overlay district to screening and tree-cutting bylaws?

After the initial meetings, the committee had begun further researching and working on both approaches to send to the Planning Board for consideration. The Planning Board would then have more than one plan to consider for the final town warrant.   However, during the ZAC 

The debate continues after Annual Town Meeting

The debate continues after Annual Town Meeting

After the zoning committee regrouped following the 2020 Annual Town meeting, the topic of solar district continued to remain an area of focus, especially coming from public voices. The committee debated over the approach to the solution after much research, including a white paper developed 

What happened at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting?

What happened at the 2020 Annual Town Meeting?

Though the Planning Board had voted to include the articles for Annual Town Meeting, they suggested that residents take no action. There were concerns due to Covid and a limited crowd size was required during the pandemic.  Residents who opposed the commercial solar arrays in 

Legal Concerns Grow Over Town Warrant Article

Legal Concerns Grow Over Town Warrant Article

The Planning Board originally thought the Seaboard Solar project would be grandfathered in regardless of the overlay status. However, the Seaboard project would not be grandfathered in because the permit was issued much later, after the first published notice of the Planning Board public hearing 

Complexities leading up to 2020 Annual Town Meeting

Complexities leading up to 2020 Annual Town Meeting

Seaboard Solar’s project to develop 28 acres of land off 71 Frankland Rd, got approved by the planning board, after the company stated plans to put a conservation restriction in place for donating about 40 acres of undeveloped open space that includes trails and a