SELECT BOARD  At its last meeting, the Select Board continued its review of town departments’ budget proposals for FY26, hearing from Senior Services and the Hopkinton Public Library, with several residents advocating for funding for both to ensure sufficient services for the town’s oldest and 

Weekly News Update – 10/01/2023

Weekly News Update – 10/01/2023

Trails Committee reviews committee charges, approves Scout project requests • New Parks & Rec director takes helm; temporary skate park concept introduced • Health Department surveys residents on vaccines • Pedestrian bridge proposals dominate Conservation Commission meeting • Lake Maspenock advocates push for limited use 

Apply for an Appointed Town Board or Committee

Apply for an Appointed Town Board or Committee

The Town of Hopkinton encourages all residents who are interested in helping govern Hopkinton to apply now to any board of committee. If you have been curious or interested in giving your time, expertise or perspective on behalf of your community, now is an excellent time 

Town Meeting Results Day 2

Town Meeting Results Day 2

CAPITAL EXPENSES AND PROJECTS Article 25: ADAOC Phase VII PASSED Article 26: Lakeshore Drive Culvert PASSED Article 27: Water/Sewer Manager’s Truck PASSED Article 28: DPW Director’s Vehicle PASSED Article 29: DPW Dump Truck PASSED Article 30: DPW Trackless Municipal Tractor PASSED Article 31: DPW Street 

Coming Up on Town Meeting Day 2 Tuesday

Coming Up on Town Meeting Day 2 Tuesday

Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting Day 2 Tuesday, May 7 at 7:00-11:00pm Hopkinton Middle School Auditorium There are 44 articles left to vote. Town meeting will repeat the following evenings 7:00-11:00pm until all the articles are voted. CAPITAL EXPENSES AND PROJECTS Article 25: ADAOC Phase VII Article 

It’s Not Over, Please Attend Town Meeting Again Tonight

It’s Not Over, Please Attend Town Meeting Again Tonight

Hopkinton Annual Town Meeting Day 2Tuesday, May 8 at 7:00-11:00pmHopkinton Middle School AuditoriumTwenty-four articles were voted last night, but there are 34 more left to go, including many capital projects, such as Loop Road repairs, ADA compliance upgrades, and Sandy Beach improvements. Last night less 

Voting information for Monday, May 19th

Voting information for Monday, May 19th

When you go to the Hopkinton Middle School to vote on Monday, May 19th you will be asked to complete 2 tasks: 1) Vote in the general Election (i.e. vote for Selectman, Parks and Rec Commissioners, School Committee, Board or Health, etc.) To prepare for 

Annual Town Meeting and Special Town meeting school-related article schedule

Annual Town Meeting and Special Town meeting school-related article schedule

Just to follow up and CLARIFY the article numbers relating to the schools for both the Annual Town meeting and the Special Town Meeting, the following information is provided : Annual Town Meeting Article # 5 – FY09 School Budget *Expected to be covered Monday