Public Forum 2/11 to Meet the Finalist for Assistant Superintendent

Public Forum 2/11 to Meet the Finalist for Assistant Superintendent

A finalist for the position of Hopkinton Public Schools’ Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development has been selected.  An integral part of the process involves parent, staff, and community input.  The Superintendent, Dr. Cathy MacLeod, invites interested parents, staff, and community members to 

Strategic Plan Forum Update

Strategic Plan Forum Update

On June 17 and 19, Superintendent Dr Cathy MacLeod held public forums on the Strategic Plan Overview, which was put together over the past year incorporating feedback from various forums and survey data. The Mission Statement of “Learn, Create, and Achieve Together” remains the same, but 

Co-Teaching Forum Update

Co-Teaching Forum Update

On June 3 and 4, Superintendent Dr Cathy MacLeod held two public forums to explain the philosophy behind co-teaching, which is one of the instructional interventions that will be offered for students who need it next year in Math and English Language Arts (ELA) in 

Common Core Forum Update

Common Core Forum Update

On June 17, Superintendent Dr Cathy MacLeod held a parent forum about the Common Core. It is available for viewing on the website under Programs > HCAM-ED Specials. See below for the documents presented at the meeting. For More Info: Handout 1: Massachusetts Curriculum 

Are You Signed Up for the New School Listserv Emails?

Are You Signed Up for the New School Listserv Emails?

As you may  have heard, on January 31 Hopkinton Public Schools switched away from the iContact mass email service that it had been using for several years. Parents must now all create SchoolWires accounts and register for E-Alerts on the School District Website. Attention! If 

Executive Session Minutes Released

Executive Session Minutes Released

At the November 25 School Committee meeting, Chair Nancy Burdick reported that the School Committee had voted at that evening’s Executive Session to release several Executive Session meeting minutes from the 2011-12 school year. Click here to read a PDF of the minutes. (Please note 

Announcing: Superintendent Public Forums November 6 and 18

Announcing: Superintendent Public Forums November 6 and 18

On November 6, the Hopkinton Public Schools Administrative Leadership Team will be hosting a Public Forum. This will be an opportunity to learn about their priorities and how they are collaborating to meet the needs of your children. On November 18, Superintendent Dr. MacLeod and 

Meet Superintendent Cathy MacLeod

Meet Superintendent Cathy MacLeod

The Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce invites you to join them on September 17th at 7:30am for Coffee and Conversation with Cathy MacLeod.  Dr. MacLeod will share her personal story and vision with the business community and local leaders. Gain a first-hand perspective by getting answers to 

School Spruce Up Day

School Spruce Up Day

The HPS is sponsoring a Spruce-Up Day which will take place on August 24th from 8am-11am at all of the schools in preparation for the first day. Volunteer adults are welcome to bring children to help with basic clean-up like pulling weeds, laying mulch, picking up trash, and 

Elmwood Roof, Superintendent Contract and TED Talks

Elmwood Roof, Superintendent Contract and TED Talks

Elmwood Roof At their March 21 meeting, the School Committee awarded the contract for the Elmwood School roof replacement to the lowest bidder,  MDM Engineering of Dudley for $884,000. Superintendent Contract An agreement was reached between the School Committee and Hopkinton’s new Superintendent, Cathy MacLeod. 

Cathy MacLeod Selected as Superintendent

Cathy MacLeod Selected as Superintendent

At its January 30 Working Session, the Hopkinton School Committee voted to enter into contract negotiations with Ms. Cathy MacLeod, for the position of Superintendent of Schools. MacLeod is currently the Assistant Superintendent in Easton. The decision was reached after interviews, site visits to each of 

Meet the Superintendent Candidates

Meet the Superintendent Candidates

Although we just blogged a few days ago, there was some important news yesterday about which we felt our readers would want to be informed. So please excuse the frequency of our emails this week. The interview dates for the Superintendent candidates have been announced.