Select Board Actions Taken 08/04/20

Select Board Actions Taken 08/04/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM Call To Order, Pledge Of Allegiance 6:05 PM Public Forum 6:10 PM COVID-19 Update 6:15 PM Consent Agenda – The Select Board approved the Consent Agenda. (5-0) i. MINUTES – The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes 

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/27/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/27/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1.0 Administrative Items Master Plan discussions – Continued to August 10 – Not Discussed 1.1. Discussion of Solar Overlay Town Meeting Article – Discussed / no action taken 1.2. Legacy Farm Road South Trees – Discussed 1.3. Board Appointments 

Select Board Actions Taken 07/21/2020

Select Board Actions Taken 07/21/2020

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC FORUM COVID-19 UPDATE CONSENT AGENDA The Select Board approved the Consent Agenda, with a revision to the 7/2/2020 Minutes. (5-0) ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS The Select Board appointed the following: (5-0) ○ Ted Barker-Hook to 

Select Board Actions Taken 7/14/20

Select Board Actions Taken 7/14/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION Executive Session pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (Purpose 3) to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigation Purdue Pharma, Case No. 19-23649 (RDD) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.) because an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the 

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/13/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/13/20

Administrative Items Reorganization of the Board – Action Taken: Gary Trendel voted Chair, Rob Benson voted Vice Chair Notice of Vacancy – Amy Ritterbusch Resignation – Action Taken: Resignation accepted and the vacancy will be posted. Candidate selection to be made at a joint meeting 

Planning Board Actions Taken 06/22/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 06/22/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1. Administrative Items a. Form K Lot Release – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – Legacy Farms North – Approved b. Approval Not Required Plan – 79 Frankland Road – Hopkinton Area Land Trust – Approved c. Approval 

Select Board Actions Taken 07/02/20

Select Board Actions Taken 07/02/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 7:02 PM REORGANIZATION OF THE SELECT BOARD The Select Board selected Brendan Tedstone as Chair. (4-0-1) The Select Board selected Irfan Nasrullah as Vice Chair. (4-0-1) 7:05 PM PUBLIC FORUM – Several residents spoke at public comment. 7:10 PM CONSENT 

Select Board – Actions Taken 06/16/2020

Select Board – Actions Taken 06/16/2020

Legislative Updates from Senate President Karen Spilka and Representative Carolyn Dykema • Covid-19 Update • Consent Agenda • 26.2 Foundation – Hopkinton Virtual Marathon • Temporary Outdoor Dining Permit Application • Legacy Farms Host Community Agreement Amendment #7 • General Obligation and Bond Approval • 

Planning Board Actions Taken 6/1/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 6/1/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items (Files online at: 06-01-20 Meeting Administrative Files ) 1.1. Legacy Farms North Form K – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – Applicant requested to delay this to the next meeting 1.2. Minutes of April 23, 2020; 

Select Board Actions Takens – 06/02/2020

Select Board Actions Takens – 06/02/2020

Covid-19 Update • Consent Agenda • Hopkinton Public Library Foundation Donation • Quarterly Deposit and Investment Report – Treasurer/ Collector • FY2020 CARES Act,  FY2021 Budget, Annual Town Hall Meeting updates and Annual Town Meeting Warrant • Hopkinton Restaurant Outdoor Seating • Town Manager Report 

Planning Board Actions Taken 05/18/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 05/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items 1.1. Vote Safe Discussion – Town Clerk gave information on how to vote by mail 1.2. Legacy Farms North Form K – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – No discussion, to be held until a future 

Select Board Actions Taken – 05/19/2020

Select Board Actions Taken – 05/19/2020

Public Forum • Covid-19 Update • Consent Agenda • Parks and Recreation Commission Program Update • National Public Works Week • FY 2020 AND FY 2021 Budget Updates • Town Manager Report  The meeting video is available on the HCAM YouTube Channel and the Actions Taken are