Weekly News Update – 03/27/2022

Weekly News Update – 03/27/2022

Upper Charles Trail Project – Part 3: An Alternative Proposal to Some Sections of the UC Trail • Upper Charles Trail Project – Part 2: Design Proposal and Potential Impacts • Upper Charles Trail Project – Part 1: The Beginnings • Frequently Asked Questions from Upper 

Weekly News Update – 03/13/2022

Weekly News Update – 03/13/2022

Select Board Votes To Put 2 School Com Vacancies On May Ballot • School Committee vacancies to be placed on this year’s ballot • School Committee officially announces vacancies in special meeting: ‘We will continue with the business of the schools’ • Markey, Tyler resign 

Planning Board Actions Taken 10/19/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 10/19/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Board Appointments: Zoning Advisory Committee – Rachel Rossin Appointment approved Highland Park IV – Minor Modification to Special Permit for Fence Applicant withdrew request Eversource Liquefaction Facility – Minor Modification to Stormwater Permit for Improvements Required by Hopkinton Fire Department 

Planning Board Actions Taken 09/14/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 09/14/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items: a. Board Appointments i. ZAC – Curtis Smithson 8 votes, appointed to the position ii.  Minutes of June 1, 2020; June 22, 2020 approved 2. Continued Public Hearing – Maspenock Woods (West Elm Street) – Maspenock Woods Realty 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/27/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/27/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Discussion and vote about whether to keep Town Meeting Articles sponsored by the Planning Board on the Warrant for Annual Town Meeting or withdraw some or all of these articles – Vote to recommend Town Meeting take no action 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Discussion and vote about whether to keep Town Meeting Articles sponsored by the Planning Board on the Warrant for Annual Town Meeting or withdraw some or all of these articles. The Board took two votes: The first being to 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/10/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/10/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1. Administrative Items a. Zoning Articles for Town Meeting All approved unanimously. Amend Article XIX, Nonconforming Lots, Uses and Structures, Section 210-128, to allow for a waiver issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer for certain uses that do not 

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/27/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/27/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1.0 Administrative Items Master Plan discussions – Continued to August 10 – Not Discussed 1.1. Discussion of Solar Overlay Town Meeting Article – Discussed / no action taken 1.2. Legacy Farm Road South Trees – Discussed 1.3. Board Appointments 

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/13/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 07/13/20

Administrative Items Reorganization of the Board – Action Taken: Gary Trendel voted Chair, Rob Benson voted Vice Chair Notice of Vacancy – Amy Ritterbusch Resignation – Action Taken: Resignation accepted and the vacancy will be posted. Candidate selection to be made at a joint meeting 

Planning Board Actions Taken 06/22/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 06/22/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1. Administrative Items a. Form K Lot Release – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – Legacy Farms North – Approved b. Approval Not Required Plan – 79 Frankland Road – Hopkinton Area Land Trust – Approved c. Approval 

Planning Board Actions Taken 6/1/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 6/1/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items (Files online at: 06-01-20 Meeting Administrative Files ) 1.1. Legacy Farms North Form K – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – Applicant requested to delay this to the next meeting 1.2. Minutes of April 23, 2020; 

Planning Board Actions Taken 05/18/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 05/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items 1.1. Vote Safe Discussion – Town Clerk gave information on how to vote by mail 1.2. Legacy Farms North Form K – Lot A-2-3 and Restricted Land Covenants – No discussion, to be held until a future