Select Board Actions Taken 10/20/20

Select Board Actions Taken 10/20/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION i. To consider approving executive session minutes. ii. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (Purpose 6) t o consider strategy with respect to the purchase, lease, sale or value of real property in 

School Committee Actions Taken 10/01/20

School Committee Actions Taken 10/01/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: School Improvement Plans Motion to approve School Improvement Plans. ● Vote: Yes: 5, No, 0, Abstain: 0, Passed: 5-0 Middle School Gift Account Motion to approve the $3,748 donation for Middle School Desire to Inspire. ● Vote: Yes: 5, No, 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/29/20

Select Board Actions Taken 09/29/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 5:45 PM CALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION i. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (Purpose 3) to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigation William Scott Ober and Thom S. Robertson v. Town of Hopkinton Conservation Commission; Frankland Road Solar 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/15/20

Select Board Actions Taken 09/15/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION i. Pursuant to M.G.L. c.30A, §21(a) (Purpose 3) to discuss strategy with respect to pending litigation William Scott Ober and Thom S. Robertson v. Town of Hopkinton Planning Board, Frankland Road Solar 

Planning Board Actions Taken 09/14/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 09/14/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Administrative Items: a. Board Appointments i. ZAC – Curtis Smithson 8 votes, appointed to the position ii.  Minutes of June 1, 2020; June 22, 2020 approved 2. Continued Public Hearing – Maspenock Woods (West Elm Street) – Maspenock Woods Realty 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/08/20

Select Board Actions Taken 09/08/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 6:05 PM PUBLIC FORUM 1. Residents are invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding Town Government. 6:10 PM STREET ACCEPTANCE – LEGACY FARMS NORTH – The Select Board will discuss 

Select Board Actions Taken 09/01/20

Select Board Actions Taken 09/01/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER – EXECUTIVE SESSION i. To approve executive session minutes. ii. To consider strategy with respect to the lease, sale or value of real property in relation to Main Street parking – 25/35 Main Street. 6:30 

Select Board Actions Taken 08/25/20

Select Board Actions Taken 08/25/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 5:00 PM CALL TO ORDER, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5:05 PM PUBLIC FORUM 5:15 PM CONSENT AGENDA i. The Select Board will consider approving the Minutes of the August 4, 2020 Select Board Meeting. ii. The Select Board will consider accepting 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/27/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/27/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Discussion and vote about whether to keep Town Meeting Articles sponsored by the Planning Board on the Warrant for Annual Town Meeting or withdraw some or all of these articles – Vote to recommend Town Meeting take no action 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): Discussion and vote about whether to keep Town Meeting Articles sponsored by the Planning Board on the Warrant for Annual Town Meeting or withdraw some or all of these articles. The Board took two votes: The first being to 

Select Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Select Board Actions Taken 08/18/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken: 5:30 PM EXECUTIVE SESSION i. To discuss strategy with respect to contract negotiations with non Union staff. ii. To consider strategy with respect to the lease, sale or value of real property in relation to the Upper Charles Trail. 6:00 

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/10/20

Planning Board Actions Taken 08/10/20

Agenda Items & Actions Taken (unofficial): 1. Administrative Items a. Zoning Articles for Town Meeting All approved unanimously. Amend Article XIX, Nonconforming Lots, Uses and Structures, Section 210-128, to allow for a waiver issued by the Zoning Enforcement Officer for certain uses that do not